jueves, 2 de abril de 2020

4° Medio ELECTIVO - Task 2

How is the finest and greatest Electivo doing today 😀!?

First of all, I'd like to thank all of you who have sent me your first task. I'll finish grading them by the end of this week. For those who have not finished task 1, I'll be receiving them anyway during this week, so you must take the opportunity that I'm giving you and send me your text as soon as possible.

For this week, we are going to prepare a document that I guessyou're not very familiar with: a CURRICULUM VITAE (or "CV")

A CV is a very important document for people who are applying for a Job, since it includes all their background information needed to introduce themselves to the people who are hiring.

So, during this week, you'll have to create your own CV. Since you're still a school student, you'll have to imagine that you're applying for a job in the year 2030. I want you to plan and dream about your future career, including all the information required.

First, download THIS CV FORMAT <- It presents one of the most common formats used by applicants.

Then, download THIS PROFILE BUILDER <- It gives you tips on how to create your PROFILE paragraph.

Finally, download the PAUTA DE TRABAJO <- It explains step by step what you have to do to create a good CV.

And, that's it for this week. I hope you guys have a great time doing this document, which I bet you'll use some day in the near future.


Estimados(as) estudiantes: Espero que estén todos muy bien. Les escribo para solicitarles que revisen su registro de notas en la plataforma ...