jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

In case you get bored, and can't think of anything fun to do...

Hey guys! Some of you may be aware of the existence of two great websites (which are also apps) from where you can learn english in a more enjoyable way. If you haven't tried them yet, clic on the photos below and you will be taken to these awesome sites.

The first one is called DUOLINGO. It enables you to learn and practice your english skills through different levels and units. Its friendly platform will give you the feeling of playing a game, while you develop your english skills! Give it a try!
Resultado de imagen de duolingo
The second one is called LYRICSTRAINING. Do you love listening to music, and you wanna try more music in english? This site is perfect for you then! Find a song that you like and get ready to complete the lyrics while you watch its music video. But don't take too long to answer, or the music will stop and you may lose your chance!
Resultado de imagen de lyricstraining


Estimados(as) estudiantes: Espero que estén todos muy bien. Les escribo para solicitarles que revisen su registro de notas en la plataforma ...